Monday, April 2, 2012

Born Again Christian

I was recently filling out a questionnaire which posed the usual question of which type of Christianity I belong to. Normally I just tick the “Lutheranism” box, or if that is not available then the “Other Christian” option. But this time I was given the option of “Born Again Christian”. I have seen this choice a number of times in past surveys, but certainly never considered myself to be of that category….not until now.

I had always looked upon Born Again Christians with a wee bit of envy. They are always the most joyful people, they have such a passion and enthusiasm for God that I had rarely seen in people who are born and raised as Christians.

This made me think that you had to experience the lowest of lows in life to then be able to experience the highest of highs that Christianity offers. I thought that maybe you had to totally reject God and also be at such a low point in life- someone like a drug-dealing pimp or heroin-addicted prostitute who is in such despair that they are at the point of suicide- in order to fully appreciate the amazing gifts of forgiveness and love that Christ offers.

Can the sweetest of sweet tastes only be appreciated by those who have tasted the sourest of sour flavours? This was my fear. I so dearly wanted the amazing relationship with God that these people experienced. The joy in their eyes, the ecstasy on their faces and the enthusiasm in their dance, simply over their love of God; I wanted that!!!

Well those depressing fears have been proven to be wrong in the last month. The joy in my heart and the zeal for God in my soul certainly seems to be similar to these types of Born Again Christians, not that it’s a competition! But the spiritual high that God is giving me totally satisfies my soul. So much so that I have no doubt that I now belong in the “Born Again Christian” category!

Hallelujah! God is indeed Great!!!

1 comment:

  1. totally inspiring reading, Tim!
    Bless ya, brother.

